
Shot Pins
Welker Gold-Line Pins provide long term accuracy and repeatability for precision location.
Require NO lubrication and minimal maintenance.
Gold-Line Pins are resistant to corrosion and weld spatter.
Steel & aluminum construction is structurally strong and durable yet lightweight.
Pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders are easy to replace.
Safety orange steel shrouds come standard on all units, protects seal from weld spray.
Inline shot pin ram is electrically insulated from body.
All Welker Shot Pins are NAAMS compatible.
Part Ejectors
Compact design
2 Motions / 1 Cylinder
Fully shrouded for weld spatter protection
Cam actuated mechanical motion
Stations can unload & reload quickly
Multiple port positions for easy plumbing
Optional cylinder switches available
Multiple tip angles available

Part Positioners
2 Motions / 1 Cylinder
Fully shrouded for weld spatter protection
Cam actuated mechanical motion
Multiple port positions for easy plumbing
Optional cylinder switches available
Multiple tip angles available
V-block ensures repeatability
Pneumatic Slides
Welker Slides are commercially available linear slides that provide all the desired features that engineers and designers need. The compact, yet robust, powered slides provide symmetry and flexibility of installation. Plane Bearing Slides and Rolling Element Rail Slides are available in various sizes and capabilities. They can be mounted in any orientation and are designed to operate successfully in harsh environments: welding, foundry, sandblasting, machining. For paint spray applications, please call Welker.
Available pneumatic cylinder types are non-locking, duplex and locking. Hydraulic cylinders are also available. Pneumatic and hydraulic slides are pre-plumbed for easy installation.

Presentation Slides
Nested part presentation
End effector storage/retrieval
Weld or clinching guns
Model select
Tip dresser shuttle
Overhead shuttle when used with the DB4 lifter
Pin Clamps
The unique gapless finger design keeps contaminants away from the internal mechanism.
Linear clamping ensures positive clamping for multiple parts and flanged holes.
Applications: underbody fixtures, end effectors - replaces separate pin and clamp. Ideal for geometry setting or material handling.
All Welker Pin Clamps are NAAMS compatible