Markforged Sales

Southern Indiana has been on fire this past week with its interest in 3D Printing. We were able to place orders for a Metal X, Mark Two and a Onyx One with different customers. These printers will help customers solve their manufacturing needs by printing strong 3d parts at a lower cost than their typical process. If you have an interest in Markforged 3D Printers contact Humston Machinery a Indiana Value Added Reseller. • • • #HumstonMachinery #Indiana #Distributor #Reseller #3dPrinter #3dprinting #additive #manufacturing #engineering #design #markforged #onyxone #onyx #metalx #marktwo #carbonfiber #machinetool #makers #machineshop #instamachinist #stratasys #3dsystems #desktopmetal #makerbot #cr10 #fdm #fff #formlabs