New Hurco VM10i Plus Install
New install of a Hurco VM10i Plus in Indianapolis, IN. www.humstonmachinery.com • • • • #Hurco #HumstonMachinery #Indiana #HurcoIndiana...

Hwacheon & Humston Machinery working together in Indiana
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Hwacheon Machinery America, Inc. To cover the state of Indiana. Hwacheon has a...

Fryer CNC Machines
Looking for some new equipment? Checkout out Fryer Machine Systems, Open bed machines, Toolroom Machines, 5 Axis and more....

Hurco TMM8i Install
A new #Hurco #TMM8i being installed next to a #VMX30i by the Humston Machinery Service Department. Glad we could help one of our best...

Section 179 Fast Delivery
FAST Delivery Section 179 Its that time of year again, with Section 179 tax deduction in place many shops are taking advantage of this....

Fryer MB-14Q Install
The Humston Machinery Service Department recently installed a new Fryer MB-14Q in Portland, IN. #cnc #fryer #humstonmachinery #cncmill...

EXTENDED UNTIL 4/30/16, CUSTOMER MUST TAKE DELIVERY BY 4/30/16. #hurco #cncmill #indiana #humstonmachinery

Fryer MB 15-R
Fryer MB 15-R Installed in Fort Wayne, IN by the Humston Machinery Service Department. #cnc #fryer #cncmill #MachiningCenter