New Hurco VM10i Plus Install
New install of a Hurco VM10i Plus in Indianapolis, IN. • • • • #Hurco #HumstonMachinery #Indiana #HurcoIndiana...
Graphite Machining Center & EDM Sinker Combo
Humston Machinery has a wide variety of machines that can help solve a customers needs. Recently customers have been asking about this...
Markforged Sample Parts
We were able to make these awesome sample parts for a customer recently. You can see Markforged and their Onyx material leave a great...
Markforged X7 Sample Parts
Some very nice sample parts made on our #Markforged #X7 for customers to see at our facility in Zionsville. If your looking for a 3D...
Hwacheon H8
Hwacheon H8 Looking for a new Horizontal Machining Center with High-Precision & High-Torque? Checkout the...
Hwacheon & Humston Machinery working together in Indiana
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Hwacheon Machinery America, Inc. To cover the state of Indiana. Hwacheon has a...
Markforged Promotions
High-Strength Industrial 3D Printing Package - Valid Until 12/22 For a limited time, Markforged is presenting Desktop Series customers a...
Markforged Mark Two Install
#Markforged #marktwo #3dprinter #3dprinting #HumstonMachinery #indiana #3dPrinterreseller
Fryer CNC Machines
Looking for some new equipment? Checkout out Fryer Machine Systems, Open bed machines, Toolroom Machines, 5 Axis and more....
Humston Machinery partners with Kardex Handling Solutions
Humston Machinery is happy to announce we will be working alongside Kardex Handling Solutions to help customers solve their dynamic...