Fryer / Siemens Control
The Siemens control provides world class technology and advanced features not available on other Toolroom CNC controls. Designed for...

Stainless Steel 3D Printed Parts
Stainless Steel parts from the Markforged Metal X. For more information the Markforged lineup up printers contact Humston Machinery your...

3D Printed Nesting
Our Markforged X7 has been busy over the last week. A customer requested more nesting parts for an automation project and we were happy...
New Hurco install on YouTube
Hurco VM30i Install at Rethceif Packaging Today Humston Machinery’s Service Department installed a brand new Hurco VM30i at Rethceif...

3D Printed Part Nests
Just delivered these part nests for a fixture. With these, customers can now make these parts without taking up time on their CNC...

Markforged Sales
Southern Indiana has been on fire this past week with its interest in 3D Printing. We were able to place orders for a Metal X, Mark Two...

Custom 3D Printed Vises
What’s this you ask? These are custom vises printed with continuous carbon fiber for a customer on a Markforged X7. If you’re interested...

Fryer MC-100 CNC Machining Center
Fryer MC-100 being installed process in Indiana. For more information on Fryer CNC Machines contact Humston Machinery....

Markforged X7- Carbon Fiber
Markforged X7 laying down carbon fiber on some custom vises. www.humstonmachinery.com • • #Markforged #X7 #Industrial #CarbonFiber...

Die & Mold Machine
Available to see in Chicago at the Hwacheon Headquarters. This is the Die and Mold solution you've been looking for. SIRIUS-UL+ is a...